Tag: Turbulence

Advances in Turbulence XII

Free Download Advances in Turbulence XII: Proceedings of the 12th EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, September 7-10, 2009, Marburg, Germany by Bruno Eckhardt
English | PDF (True) | 2009 | 939 Pages | ISBN : 364203084X | 53.8 MB
This volume comprises the communications presented at the EUROMECH European


Mixing Chaos and Turbulence

Free Download Mixing: Chaos and Turbulence by H. Chaté, E. Villermaux, J.-M. Chomaz
English | PDF | 1999 | 395 Pages | ISBN : 0306461951 | 43.8 MB
Mixing may be thought of as the operation by which a system evolves from one state of simplicity (initial segregation) to another state of simplicity (complete uniformity). Between these two extremes, complex patterns emerge and die. Questions naturally arise- how can the geometry of complex patterns be characterised, what is the time scale of the process, what structures are involved in the flow?


Fundamental Problematic Issues in Turbulence

Free Download Fundamental Problematic Issues in Turbulence by Albert Gyr, Wolfgang Kinzelbach, Arkady Tsinober
English | PDF | 1999 | 464 Pages | ISBN : 3764361506 | 49.4 MB
The Second Monte Verita Colloquium Fundamental Problematic Issues in Turbu lence was held in Monte Verita, Switzerland, on March 23-27, 1998. The main goal of the Colloquium was to bring together in the relaxed atmo sphere of Monte Verita a group of leading scientists (consisting of representatives of different generations) and to discuss informally and free of the influence of funding agencies and/or other "politics" of nonscientific nature the basic issues of turbulence. The intention was to put major emphasis on the exposition of the problematic aspects and discussion(s) – not mere reporting of results, i. e. not hav ing just one more meeting. For this purpose it was originally thought to leave all the afternoons free of formal presentations at all. However, this intention became unrealistic due to a number of reasons, and, in the first place, due to strong pres sure from various parts of the scientific community and non-scientific constraints to broaden the scope and to increase the number of participants as compared to the First Colloquium held in 1991. This resulted in a considerable reduction of time for discussions. Nevertheless, the remaining time for discussions was much larger than usually allocated at scientific conferences. On the scientific side the main idea was to bring together scientists work ing in turbulence from different fields, such as mathematics, physics, engineering and others. In this respect the Colloquium was definitely very successful and re sulted in a number of interesting interactions and contacts.


Emerging from Turbulence Boeing and Stories of the American Workplace Today

Free Download Leon Grunberg, "Emerging from Turbulence: Boeing and Stories of the American Workplace Today"
English | ISBN: 1442248548 | 2015 | 206 pages | AZW3 | 389 KB
The book looks at workers in three stages of their careers early career, midcareer, and retirement, sheds light on generational differences in the workplace, and addresses issues such as job training and work moving overseas. Long-time employees reminisce fondly about the family and engineering culture of Heritage Boeing and many are sad and angry about the new, financially driven ethos brought in by the McDonnell Douglas executives after the merger. Newer, younger employees, with no direct memory of Heritage Boeing and more individualistic attitudes, accommodate themselves more easily to the new Boeing.


Turbulence in River and Maritime Hydraulics (2024)

Free Download Turbulence in River and Maritime Hydraulics by Michele Mossa
English | PDF | 2019 | 288 Pages | ISBN : 303897594x | 118.95 MB
Understanding of the role of turbulence in controlling transport processes is of paramount importance for the preservation and protection of aquatic ecosystems, the minimization of the deleterious consequences of anthropogenic activity, and the successful sustainable development of river and maritime areas.


The Origin of Turbulence in Near-Wall Flows

Free Download The Origin of Turbulence in Near-Wall Flows by Andrey V. Boiko , Genrih R. Grek , Alexander V. Dovgal , Victor V. Kozlov
English | PDF (True) | 2002 | 273 Pages | ISBN : 3540421815 | 29.9 MB
The Origin of Species Charles Darwin The origin of turbulence in fluids is a long-standing problem and has been the focus of research for decades due to its great importance in a variety of engineering applications. Furthermore, the study of the origin of turbulence is part of the fundamental physical problem of turbulence description and the philosophical problem of determinism and chaos. At the end of the nineteenth century, Reynolds and Rayleigh conjectured that the reason of the transition of laminar flow to the ‘sinuous’ state is in stability which results in amplification of wavy disturbances and breakdown of the laminar regime. Heisenberg (1924) was the founder of linear hydrody namic stability theory. The first calculations of boundary layer stability were fulfilled in pioneer works of Tollmien (1929) and Schlichting (1932, 1933). Later Taylor (1936) hypothesized that the transition to turbulence is initi ated by free-stream oscillations inducing local separations near wall. Up to the 1940s, skepticism of the stability theory predominated, in particular due to the experimental results of Dryden (1934, 1936). Only the experiments of Schubauer and Skramstad (1948) revealed the determining role of insta bility waves in the transition. Now it is well established that the transition to turbulence in shear flows at small and moderate levels of environmental disturbances occurs through development of instability waves in the initial laminar flow. In Chapter 1 we start with the fundamentals of stability theory, employing results of the early studies and recent advances.


The Mathematical Theory of Turbulence

Free Download The Mathematical Theory of Turbulence by M. M. Stanišić
English | PDF | 1985 | 444 Pages | ISBN : 0387961070 | 21.3 MB
"I do not think at all that I am able to present here any procedure of investiga tion that was not perceived long ago by aZl men of talent; and I do not promise at all that you can find here anything quite new of this kind. But I shall take pains to state in clear words the pules and ways of investigation which are followed by able men, who in most cases are not even conscious of follow ing them. Although I am free from illusion that I shall fully succeed even in doing this, I stiZl hope that the little that is present here may please some people and have some application afterwards. " Bernard Balzano (Wissenschaftslehre, 1929) The following book results from a series of lectures on the mathematical theory of turbulence delivered by the author at the Purdue University School of Aeronautics and Astronautics during the past several years, and represents, in fact, a comprehensive account of the author’s work with his graduate students in this field. It was my aim in writing this book to give engineers and scientists a mathematical feeling for a subject, which because of its nonlinear character has resisted mathematical analysis for many years. On account viii of its refractory nature this subject was categorized as one of seven "elementary catastrophes". The material presented here is designed for a first graduate course in turbulence. The complete course has been taught in one semester.
