Tag: USA

Datenschutz in Europa und den USA Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Safe-Harbor-Lösu

Free Download Datenschutz in Europa und den USA: Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Safe-Harbor-Lösung By Alexander Genz (auth.)
2004 | 204 Pages | ISBN: 3824421852 | PDF | 13 MB
Dass der Schutz personenbezogener Daten nicht nur eine nationale, sondern vielmehr eine globale Aufgabe ist, wurde spätestens mit der allgemeinen kommerziellen Nutzung des Internets deutlich. Unterschiedliche nationale Schutzstandards können jedoch erhebliche Handelshemmnisse darstellen. Dieser Gefahr begegnet die Europäische Gemeinschaft durch die Harmonisierung des Datenschutzrechts, die zugleich Mindeststandards für den Datentransfer in Drittstaaten setzt. Alexander Genz untersucht, welche Standards Drittstaaten einhalten müssen, um die in der EG-Datenschutzrichtlinie vorgesehene Transferhürde der "Angemessenheit" überwinden zu können. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt er das Datenschutzrecht der USA, des größten Handelspartners Europas, ausführlich und differenziert dar. Die von der EG-Kommission und dem US-amerikanischen Handelsministerium ausgehandelte "Safe-Harbor-Lösung" zur Behebung der Defizite im US-amerikanischen Datenschutz wird analysiert und bewertet. Es wird deutlich, dass diese Lösung zwar zu Recht als unbefriedigend kritisiert wird, sie aber durchaus ausreichenden Schutz bietet.


The Rough Guide to the USA Travel Guide with eBook (Rough Guides Main Series)

Free Download The Rough Guide to the USA: Travel Guide with eBook (Rough Guides Main Series) by Rough Guides
English | May 7, 2024 | ISBN: 1839059877 | 1032 pages | MOBI | 79 Mb
This USA guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this USA travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC’s strict environmental and social standards.


Woodrow Wilson USA

Free Download Brian Morton, "Woodrow Wilson: USA "
English | ISBN: 1905791623 | 2008 | 256 pages | EPUB | 1482 KB
Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924). It is September 1919 – a meeting hall in a small mid-Western city. A thin man is speaking to a sceptical audience about peace. He has already met the city fathers and has been warned that ‘out here’ what happens in Europe means very little. Even the late war scarcely impinged on the place, though it had been recognised that it hadn’t been altogether good for trade and one or two local boys had died on the fields of France in the very last days of the conflict. The speaker was obviously impassioned, with a preacher’s cadence to his voice, and particularly so when he promoted the idea of an international League of Nations to guarantee future peace and ensure that the war into which America had been lured in 1917 really was ‘a war to end all wars’. It is noticed that the man is sweating and pale and that he pauses frequently to dab his lips. The price of his campaign for peace – and peace conducted with principle – seems to be a terrible struggle between strong belief on the one hand and failing reserves on the other. Woodrow Wilson will live for another five years, but his battle to convince America to join the League is lost and much of the vigour that marked his time as President of his country, as president of Princeton University, even as an enthusiastic college football coach, was left behind in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles. This book will look at the life of Wilson, from his early years during the American Civil War, through his academic and political career and America’s involvement in the First World War, to Wilson’s role at Versailles, including the construction of his Fourteen Points, his principles for the reformation of Europe, and the consequences of Versailles for America and on later conflicts.


Die Hypothekenkrise in den USA und ihre Auswirkungen

Free Download Michael Schlemmer, "Die Hypothekenkrise in den USA und ihre Auswirkungen"
Deutsch | 2008 | pages: 52 | ISBN: 383666755X | PDF | 0,5 mb
Kaum ein anderes Thema wird in den letzten Monaten von der Medienwelt so intensiv behandelt wie die Hypothekenkrise in den USA. Meldungen über Entlassungen, ungewöhnlich hohe Abschreibungen, Rekordverluste und Liquiditätsengpässe auf den Finanzmärkten verbreiten besonders unter Kapitalanlegern Unsicherheit. Betroffen ist dabei längst nicht nur der Hypothekenmarkt. Um einen Überblick zu bekommen, wer aus welchen Gründen an den turbulenten Geschehnissen beteiligt ist, wird die Hypothekenkrise zu Beginn des Buches in den globalen Finanzsektor eingeordnet. Das darauf folgende Kapitel beleuchtet die einzelnen Akteure mit ihren Rollen, betrachtet die wichtigsten Ereignisse im zeitlichen Kontext und liefert Gründe für das Ausmaß. Anschließend werden die Auswirkungen auf den betroffenen Märkten beschrieben und wird auf die Maßnahmen seitens der amerikanischen Notenbank und Regierung, die der Krise entgegenwirken sollen, eingegangen. Zum Abschluss wird die Situation auf dem deutschen bzw. europäischen Markt behandelt und ein aktueller Ausblick auf die Markttendenzen gegeben. Eine gezogenes Fazit sowie der darin enthaltende Hinweis auf einen alternativen Anlagetrend runden dieses brisante Thema ab. Verkürzte Darstellungen dienen der Verständlichkeit. Die in diesem Buch angegebenen Zahlenwerte basieren aufgrund des intransparenten Finanzmarktes auf Schätzungen der jeweiligen Autoren und divergieren in den Medien teilweise erheblich. Vordergründig soll der Leser einen Einblick in die derzeitige Situation der Finanzwelt und ein Gefühl für die Dimension des Ausmaßes bekommen. Des Weiteren soll er sich der möglichen Risiken in Betracht gezogener Finanzanlagen bewusst werden.


The USA and the World 2024-2025 (World Today (Stryker)), 19th Edition

Free Download The USA and the World 2024-2025 (World Today (Stryker)), 19th Edition by David M. Keithly
English | October 1st, 2024 | ISBN: 153818592X | 299 pages | True PDF | 24.53 MB
The World Today Series: USA and The World describes not only what happened, but puts events in the context of the past and criticizes policy actions as appropriate. The result goes deeper than most of what appears in current publications. Updated annually and part of the renowned "World Today Series," USA and the World presents an unusually penetrating look into America and its relationship to the rest of the world. The combination of factual accuracy and up-to-date detail along with its informed projections make this an outstanding resource for researchers, practitioners in international development, media professionals, government officials, potential investors and students. Now in its 19th edition, the content is thorough yet perfect for a one-semester introductory course or general library reference.


Burger USA The Ultimate Guide To America’s Best Burgers

Free Download Burger USA: The Ultimate Guide To America’s Best Burgers by Glenn Walton
English | January 31, 2024 | ISBN: N/A | ASIN: B0CTPZLJJC | 164 pages | EPUB | 36 Mb
Are you constantly on the quest for the perfect burger, yet often find yourself disappointed by lackluster patties and uninspiring toppings? Transform your burger hunts with "BURGER USA: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO AMERICA’S BEST BURGERS"! This isn’t just a book; it’s your passport to the most mouth-watering, juicy, and flavor-packed burgers the USA, and arguably the world, has to offer. Each page brings you closer to finding your burger soulmate, whether it’s a classic cheeseburger, a gourmet creation, or a hidden local gem. Our expertly curated guide takes you on a tantalizing journey through America’s best burger joints, from iconic establishments to undiscovered eateries. With vivid descriptions, insider tips, and mouth-watering photos, you’ll feel the sizzle of the grill and taste the melting cheese with every turn of the page. Say goodbye to mediocre burgers and hello to a world where every bite is a revelation. "BURGER USA" isn’t just a book; it’s the solution to every burger enthusiast’s greatest craving. Your ultimate burger experience awaits!


Signs of Life in the USA and LaunchPad Solo for Readers and Writers

Free Download Sonia Maasik, Jack Solomon, Bedford/St. Martin’s, "Signs of Life in the USA and LaunchPad Solo for Readers and Writers"
English | 2017 | pages: 578 | ISBN: 1319149898, 1319056636 | EPUB | 43,2 mb
Unlike other popular culture readers, "Signs of Life "presumes that this topic merits rigorous analysis and so provides a conceptual framework for understanding it: semiotics, a field of critical theory developed specifically for the interpretation of culture and its signs. The selections in "Signs of Life "are arranged in provocative chapters (on such themes as gender codes, television and music, film, and advertising) that tap into students’ own experiences with and interest in popular culture. The uniquely qualified editorial team of a prominent semiotician and an experienced writing instructor have prepared extensive apparatus to prompt the rigorous analysis that helps students become better thinkers and writers. In this exciting edition, "Signs of Life "examines fresh topics with an emphasis on the emerging phenomenon of Web 2.0. Maasik and Solomon continue to stay on the leading edge of popular culture, examining the hottest trends that capture students’ attention.


Recordex USA XSight HD v2.9.5.21107

Free Download Recordex USA XSight HD v2.9.5.21107 | 80 Mb
We pioneered zoomable annotation in the classroom. We saw what was needed was the ability to mark up live images and then zoom in with the annotation staying locked to the image. This would make writer’s workshop and other classroom activities more powerful than ever. We call this feature AnnoZoom and it is often cited as the most appreciated feature of our software.


Recordex USA XSight HD v2.9.5.21107

Free Download Recordex USA XSight HD v2.9.5.21107 | 80 Mb
We pioneered zoomable annotation in the classroom. We saw what was needed was the ability to mark up live images and then zoom in with the annotation staying locked to the image. This would make writer’s workshop and other classroom activities more powerful than ever. We call this feature AnnoZoom and it is often cited as the most appreciated feature of our software.


The Rough Guide to the USA (Rough Guides), 14th Edition

Free Download The Rough Guide to the USA (Rough Guides), 14th Edition by Rough Guides
English | May 7th, 2024 | ISBN: 1839059877 | 1032 pages | True EPUB | 75.50 MB
This USA guidebook is perfect for independent travellers planning a longer trip. It features all of the must-see sights and a wide range of off-the-beaten-track places. It also provides detailed practical information on preparing for a trip and what to do on the ground. And this USA travel guidebook is printed on paper from responsible sources, and verified to meet the FSC’s strict environmental and social standards.
