Tag: Variation

Language Change and Variation in Gibraltar

Free Download David Levey, "Language Change and Variation in Gibraltar"
English | 2008 | pages: 216 | ISBN: 9027218625 | PDF | 4,8 mb
While much has been written about Gibraltar from historical and political perspectives, sociolinguistic aspects have been largely overlooked. This book describes the influences which have shaped the colony’s linguistic development since the British occupation in 1704, and the relationship between the three principal means of communication: English, Spanish and the code-switching variant Yanito. The study then focuses its attentions on the communicative forms and functions of Gibraltarian English. The closing of the border between Gibraltar and Spain (1969-1982), which effectively isolated the colony, had important social and linguistic repercussions. This volume presents the first full account of the language attitudes and identity of a new generation of Gibraltarians, all of whom were born after the border was re-opened. Adopting a variationist approach, this study analyses the extent to which the language use and phonetic realisations of young Gibraltarians differ from those of previous generations and the factors conditioning language variation and change.


Health and Difference Rendering Human Variation in Colonial Engagements

Free Download Alexandra Widmer, "Health and Difference: Rendering Human Variation in Colonial Engagements "
English | ISBN: 1785332716 | 2016 | 250 pages | PDF | 1464 KB
Human variation represented a central research topic for life scientists and posed challenging administrative issues for colonial bureaucrats in the first half of the 20th century. By following scientists’ and administrators’ interests in innovating styles and tools for making and circulating documents, in reshaping landscapes and environments, and in fixing distances between humans, the book advances new understandings of the materiality of colonial institutional life and governance.


Theory and Applications of the Cluster Variation and Path Probability Methods

Free Download Theory and Applications of the Cluster Variation and Path Probability Methods By Ryoichi Kikuchi (auth.), J. L. Morán-López, J. M. Sanchez (eds.)
1996 | 435 Pages | ISBN: 146138043X | PDF | 34 MB
This volume is a compilation of papers presented at the International Workshop on the Theory and Applications of the Cluster Variation and Path Probability Methods, held in the city of San Juan, Teotihuacan, Mexico, during June 18-22, 1995. The presentations at the workshop provided a state of the art review of the fundamental aspects of the CVM and PPM and their application to a wide range of problems in statistical mechanics and alloy theory. The volume begins with several articles dealing with the study of the kinetics of ordering in Ising sytems and alloys using the PPM and other classical techniques. These articles are followed by the contribution of Professor Masuo Suzuki on the Coherent Anomaly Method which has added a new dimension to mean field theory, and the CVM in particular, in the study of critical phenomena. The remaining of the volume is dedicated to fundamental aspects and specific applications of the CVM in a wide range of subjects ranging from bulk and surface studies to new areas of inquiry such as the problem of image reconstruction. Since the inception by Prof. Ryoichi Kikuchi of the CVM in 1950 and of the PPM in 1966, the latter after a gestation period of approximately six years, the tech niques have found wide acceptance in the physics and materials science communities. Both methods are properly regarded as seminal contributions to equilibrium and non equilibrium statistical mechanics.


Variation in Linguistics Second Language Acquisition, Discourse Studies, Sociolinguistics, Syntax

Free Download Vanessa Sheu, "Variation in Linguistics: Second Language Acquisition, Discourse Studies, Sociolinguistics, Syntax"
English | ISBN: 1527529126 | 2023 | 253 pages | PDF | 6 MB
Language is acquired, comprehended, and produced in a rule-based fashion; nonetheless, variation in language is constantly observable-from alternating forms used by second and third language speakers to systematic changes in linguistic rules which eventually come to characterize entirely different language varieties. Therefore, understanding variation helps linguists understand the very forces that shape language itself. This book presents quantitative and qualitative research from interdisciplinary perspectives: second language acquisition, sociolinguistics, discourse studies and syntax. These ten chapters shed empirical light on the variables that result in systematic variation in language. From the influence of previously learned languages on the acquisition of a third language, to how social variables impact the phonetics of French political speaking styles, to how different types of comparatives in Jordanian Arabic can be distinguished by features within a syntactic hierarchy of functional projections, the chapters identify the linguistic factors which are behind the heterogeneity of structures in their individual topics of investigation.


Variation in Health Care Spending Target Decision Making, Not Geography

Free Download Variation in Health Care Spending: Target Decision Making, Not Geography By Committee on Geographic Variation in Health Care Spending and Promotion of High-Value Care, Board on Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine, Joseph P. Newhouse, Alan M. Garber, Robin P. Graham, Margaret A. McCoy, Michelle Mancher, Ashna Kibria
2013 | 206 Pages | ISBN: 030928869X | PDF | 6 MB
Health care in the United States is more expensive than in other developed countries, costing $2.7 trillion in 2011, or 17.9 percent of the national gross domestic product. Increasing costs strain budgets at all levels of government and threaten the solvency of Medicare, the nation’s largest health insurer. At the same time, despite advances in biomedical science, medicine, and public health, health care quality remains inconsistent. In fact, underuse, misuse, and overuse of various services often put patients in danger. Many efforts to improve this situation are focused on Medicare, which mainly pays practitioners on a fee-for-service basis and hospitals on a diagnoses-related group basis, which is a fee for a group of services related to a particular diagnosis. Research has long shown that Medicare spending varies greatly in different regions of the country even when expenditures are adjusted for variation in the costs of doing business, meaning that certain regions have much higher volume and/or intensity of services than others. Further, regions that deliver more services do not appear to achieve better health outcomes than those that deliver less. Variation in Health Care Spending investigates geographic variation in health care spending and quality for Medicare beneficiaries as well as other populations, and analyzes Medicare payment policies that could encourage high-value care. This report concludes that regional differences in Medicare and commercial health care spending and use are real and persist over time. Furthermore, there is much variation within geographic areas, no matter how broadly or narrowly these areas are defined. The report recommends against adoption of a geographically based value index for Medicare payments, because the majority of health care decisions are made at the provider or health care organization level, not by geographic units. Rather, to promote high value services from all providers, Medicare and Medicaid Services should continue to test payment reforms that offer incentives to providers to share clinical data, coordinate patient care, and assume some financial risk for the care of their patients. Medicare covers more than 47 million Americans, including 39 million people age 65 and older and 8 million people with disabilities. Medicare payment reform has the potential to improve health, promote efficiency in the U.S. health care system, and reorient competition in the health care market around the value of services rather than the volume of services provided. The recommendations of Variation in Health Care Spending are designed to help Medicare and Medicaid Services encourage providers to efficiently manage the full range of care for their patients, thereby increasing the value of health care in the United States.


Syntactic and Semantic Variation in Copular Sentences

Free Download Daniel J. Wilson, "Syntactic and Semantic Variation in Copular Sentences "
English | ISBN: 9027207135 | 2020 | 175 pages | PDF | 4 MB
This book presents a novel account of syntactic and semantic variation in copular and existential sentences in Classical Hebrew. Like many languages, the system of Classical Hebrew copular sentences is quite complex, containing zero, pronominal, and verbal forms as well as eventive and inchoative semantics. Approaching this subject from the framework of Distributed Morphology provides an elegant and comprehensive explanation for both the syntactic and semantic variation in these sentences. This book also presents a theoretical model for analyzing copular sentences in other languages included related phenomena- such as pseudo-copulas. It is also a demonstration of what can be gained by applying modern linguistic analyses to dead languages. Citing and building off previous studies on this topic, this book will be of interest to those interested in the theoretical examination of copular and existential sentences and to those interested in Classical Hebrew more specifically.


History, Society and Variation

Free Download Kevin J. Rottet, J. Clancy Clements, Thomas A. Klingler, "History, Society and Variation (Creole Language Library)"
English | 2006 | pages: 313 | ISBN: 9027252505 | PDF | 2,6 mb
This volume presents a collection of new articles by sixteen specialists in the field of pidgin and creole studies, assembled in honor of the world-renowned creolist, Albert Valdman. The articles, written from a variety of theoretical perspectives, are organized thematically in three sections: on the history of specific pidgins or creoles (including Louisiana Creole and Haitian Creole); on the sociohistorical settings that gave rise to these contact languages and issues affecting their future development; and on issues of linguistic variation and change. In keeping with Valdman’s own primary interests, the French-based creoles receive the most attention, including both those of the Atlantic zone and those of the Indian Ocean, but the volume also presents significant scholarship on English- and Portuguese-based varieties.


Grammatical Variation across Space and Time (Studies in Language Variation)

Free Download Martin Elsig, "Grammatical Variation across Space and Time (Studies in Language Variation)"
English | 2009 | pages: 300 | ISBN: 9027234833 | PDF | 3,8 mb
Interrogative clauses in French show abundant variation, especially with regard to the position of the subject vis-à-vis the finite verb, the placement of the wh-word, and the use of question markers such as est-ce que and ti/tu. This book presents a comprehensive study of the evolution and use of French interrogative constructions across a time span of approximately five hundred years by drawing on written sources (15th to 17th century) and oral data (19th and 20th century). Special attention is paid to the regional variation between European French and Quebec French. A variationist analysis reveals the relevant sociolinguistic factors conditioning variant choice. On the basis of the results obtained, the syntax of the different variants is modeled within the framework of generative grammar. In particular, the progressive diachronic decline and restriction of subject-verb inversion is argued to mirror the loss of verb movement. This book is of interest to anyone concerned with syntactic variation and change.


Explanations in Sociosyntactic Variation

Free Download Tanya Karoli Christensen, "Explanations in Sociosyntactic Variation "
English | ISBN: 1108492843 | 2022 | 250 pages | AZW3 | 2 MB
What explains variation in human language? How are linguistic and social factors related? How do we examine possible semantic differences between variants? These questions and many more are explored in this volume, which examines syntactic variables in a range of languages. It brings together a team of internationally acclaimed authors to provide perspectives on how and why syntax varies between and within speakers, focusing on explaining theoretical backgrounds and methods. The analyses presented are based on a range of languages, making it possible to address the questions from a cross-linguistic perspective. All chapters demonstrate rigorous quantitative analyses, which expose the conditioning factors in language change as well as offering important insights into community and individual grammars. It is essential reading for researchers and students with an interest in language variation and change, and the theoretical framework and methods applied in the study of how and why syntax varies.


Variation et optimisation de formes Une analyse géométrique

Free Download Variation et optimisation de formes: Une analyse géométrique by Antoine Henrot , Michel Pierre
Français | PDF (True) | 2005 | 345 Pages | ISBN : 3540262113 | 14 MB
Ce livre est une initiation aux approches modernes de l’optimisation mathématique de formes. On y développe la méthodologie ainsi que les outils d’analyse mathématique et de géométrie nécessaires à l’étude des variations de domaines. On y trouve une étude systématique des questions géométriques associées à l’opérateur de Laplace, de la capacité classique, de la dérivation par rapport à une forme, ainsi qu’un FAQ sur les topologies usuelles sur les domaines et sur les propriétés géométriques des formes optimales avec ce qui se passe quand elles n’existent pas, le tout avec une importante bibliographie.
