Tag: Was

Who Is Michelle Obama (Who Was)

Free Download Who HQ, John O’Brien, "Who Is Michelle Obama? (Who Was?)"
English | 2013 | pages: 112 | ISBN: 0448478633 | EPUB | 9,2 mb
Born into a close knit family in Chicago, Michelle Robinson was a star student who graduated from Princeton and Harvard Law. Then in 1992, she married another promising young lawyer and the rest, as they say, is history. It is undeniable that President Barack Obama has changed the United States but so has Michelle Obama, the self proclaimed "Mom in Chief." This compelling, easy-to-read biography is illustrated by New Yorker artist John O’Brien.


Who was Elizabeth Blackwell – Excerpts and Speeches For and By this Remarkable Woman

Free Download Various, "Who was Elizabeth Blackwell? – Excerpts and Speeches For and By this Remarkable Woman"
English | ISBN: 152871928X | 2021 | 117 pages | EPUB | 1416 KB
Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910) was a British physician. She was first woman to study medicine at university in the United States, as well as the first to be put on the Medical Register of the General Medical Council. She was a key reformer in both the United States and the United Kingdom who pioneered the education of women in medicine. Blackwell also played an important role as an organiser of nurses during the American Civil War. Her most notable works include: "The Causes and Treatment of Typhus, or Shipfever" (1949), "The Laws of Life with Special Reference to the Physical Education of Girls" (1952), and "An Appeal in Behalf of the Medical Education of Women" (1856). "Who Was Elizabeth Blackwell?" contains a fantastic collection of essays by various authors dedicated to Blackwell, together with some of her most significant speeches on the topic of medicine and education. Contents include: "Elizabeth Blackwell, by Frances E. Willard and Mary A. Livermore", "Elizabeth Blackwell, by Charlotte Fell Smith", "Elizabeth Blackwell, by Alfreda B. Withington", "Obituary of Elizabeth Blackwell", "Medicine as a Profession for Women", "Address on the Medical Education of Women", "Wrong and Right Methods of Dealing with Social Evil", "The ‘Let Alone’ System", "The Female Regulation System", "The Repressive System, in Reference to Municipal Action", and "The Repressive System, in Reference to National Law". Brilliant Women – Read & Co. is proudly publishing this brand-new collection of classic essays and speeches for the enjoyment of readers now and in years to come.


Who was Edith Cavell A Collection of Essays Celebrating the Great British Nurse

Free Download Various, "Who was Edith Cavell? A Collection of Essays Celebrating the Great British Nurse"
English | ISBN: 1528719786 | 2021 | 138 pages | EPUB | 2 MB
Edith Louisa Cavell (1865-1915) was a British nurse, humanitarian and spy famous for saving the lives of soldiers from both sides during the First World War. She also aided 200 Allied soldiers escape from behind German lines, for which she was arrested and sentenced to death by firing squad. Cavell’s execution was globally condemned and featured extensively in the press. Before her death, she famously said, "Patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone", which has been inscribed on a memorial to her near Trafalgar Square. Part of our "Who Was She?" series that looks at remarkable woman from throughout history, "Who was Edith Cavell?" contains a fantastic collection of essays by various authors celebrating the heroic endeavours of this brave nurse, exploring how she was able to pull off such incredible feats and what it was that inspired her truly compassionate acts. Brilliant Women – Read & Co. is proud to be publishing this brand new collection of classic essays for a new generation of students and history lovers.


Who Was William Hickey

Free Download James R. Farr, "Who Was William Hickey? "
English | ISBN: 0367331195 | 2019 | 238 pages | EPUB | 3 MB
This book analyzes an example of life-writing, an autobiography that was written in the early nineteenth century and will appeal to readers of many disciplines who are interested in understanding the interconnectedness of memory, textual narrative, and ideas of selfhood. Moreover, this book reasserts the importance of the individual in history. It explains how personal narratives reveal the individual as a purposeful social actor pursuing particular objectives, but framed by cultural and social contexts, in this case by eighteenth-century London and Imperial India. The author of this autobiography, William Hickey, projects a sense of self formed by a combination of an interiorized self-consciousness (an awareness of himself as an autonomous individual, although not one prone to deep self-reflection) and a socially-turned self-fashioning. Like so many autobiographers of his time, Hickey’s self is realized through the production of a narrative, his self fixed and defined through the act of writing. As he wrote his memoirs, Hickey was engaged in purposeful textual representation to satisfy


What Was the Islamic Conquest of Iberia Understanding the New Debate

Free Download Hussein Fancy, "What Was the Islamic Conquest of Iberia?: Understanding the New Debate"
English | ISBN: 0367762137 | 2021 | 110 pages | EPUB | 2 MB
What Was the Islamic Conquest of Iberia? Understanding the New Debate brings together leading scholars to offer an introduction to a recent debate with far-reaching implications for the study of history, as well as our understanding of the present.


Was können wir wissen Mit Physik bis zur Grenze verlässlicher Erkenntnis

Free Download Was können wir wissen?: Mit Physik bis zur Grenze verlässlicher Erkenntnis By Prof. em. Dr. Josef Honerkamp (auth.)
2013 | 367 Pages | ISBN: 3827430518 | PDF | 5 MB
Es sind immer die gleichen Fragen, die einem Physiker in Gesellschaft interessanter und interessierter Menschen gestellt werden: Was wissen Physikerinnen und Physiker über die Welt und wie sicher wissen sie es? Wissen wir Menschen denn wirklich, was Materie ist, und was Zeit – und wie die Welt entstanden ist? Müssen wir zugeben, dass es auch Fragen gibt, die man nie verlässlich beantworten kann? Josef Honerkamp, der mehr als 30 Jahre als Professor für Theoretische Physik lehrte, hat Begegnungen und Gespräche aus seinem Alltag zum Anlass genommen, über die faszinierendsten Fragen rund um die Physik nachzudenken: Über den Urknall und die Implikation von E=mc², über Zeit, Materie, Quanten, Zufall und die Realität, bis zu kritischem Rationalismus, Emergenz, Vorwissen, Wissenschaft und Technik, sowie die Physik aus der Gottesperspektive.Mit ‘Was wissen wir eigentlich?’ ist so ein Lesebuch über spannende Themen der Physik und "darüber hinaus" entstanden – in einer Phase des Nach-Denkens über das, worüber der Autor jahrzehntelang gelehrt und geforscht hat. Diesen und ähnlichen Themen hat der Autor sich seit einigen Jahren auch in seinem Wissenschafts-Blog gewidmet, der im Blogportal www.scilogs.de von "Spektrum der Wissenschaften" unter dem Titel "Die Natur der Naturwissenschaften" erscheint.


Who Was Pete Seeger

Free Download Who HQ, Stephen Marchesi, "Who Was Pete Seeger?"
English | 2017 | pages: 112 | ISBN: 0448484757 | EPUB | 35,5 mb
Pete Seeger was an American folk musician and social activist whose outspoken songs about freedom and justice got him blacklisted from radio and TV for years.
